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Chimpanzee Trekking in Kibale National Park

Chimps are referred to as our closest relatives because we shall almost 94% of DNA. Sociable, communicative and intelligent- they are capable of making tools from local materials and use them. Chimps are capable of using tools like sticks, stone and so on.

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The chimps use tool made from local material to smash nuts, empty pods for scooping water, and sticks for drawing termites from their nest. It is amazing that, the skills are passed from generation to generation.

The height of chimps varies from about 39 in (1 m) in males to about 36 in (90 cm) in females and an adult wild male weighs about 132 lb (60 kg), but in captivity can grow up to 220 lb (100 kg). The weight of females range from about 66 lb (30 kg) in the wild to as much as 190 lb (87 kg) in captivity.

At 20 years, the Chimps change from black to gray colour. Both sexes have a short white beard, and baldness frequently develops in later years. The skin on the hands and feet is black, and that of the face ranges from pink to brown or black.

Areas of the female’s genital skin become pink during estrus, a period that lasts two to three weeks and occurs every four to six weeks.

Chimpanzees spend much of their day and night time climbing in trees, and they sleep alone every night in nests that they make with branches and leaves. Chimp mothers sleeps with their off springs until next baby is born.

Chimpanzees stay up to 40-45 years and over 50 to 60 years in captivity– chimps are among the long living primates on earth.

Chimpanzees move in groups between 15 and 120 individuals.

Male chimpanzees leave the community where they were born when they reach the stage of adulthood.

Female chimps also migrate to a new community during an adolescent estrus period. They try to look for males to mate them.

Like human beings Chimpanzees are capable of moving on two legs.

The elder Chimpanzees groom young ones to prepare them for future challenges. The female chimps train their babies to jump, climb, scoop nuts among others.

Chimpanzee mothers tend to move alone with their offspring. They separate from male groups to cater for the babies.

Every night, the chimps build new nests to sleep in.

Chimpanzee males lead groups in hunting for meat.

Chimps mostly feed on fruits, leaves, nuts, termites, insects, birds and small mammals.

Females give birth every four to five years and their gestation period is eight to nine months.