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Gorillas Habituation In Uganda


Gorilla habituation is done in the Rushaga sector of Bwindi Impenetrable National Park. Like the word suggests, during this experience; you have an opportunity to spend time with mountain gorillas that are in the process of getting used to the presence of human beings.

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The process is done by experts for a period of 2-3 years. The rangers, primatologists, and Gorilla doctors initiate the Gorilla habituation process in Bwindi impenetrable national park.

Wild gorillas are habituated so researchers can study the species, treat them for sickness and injuries, protect them from hunters, and boost their conservation efforts with sustainable tourism.

Two gorilla families (Bukingyi & Bushaho) are currently being habituated in the Rushaga sector of Bwindi Impenetrable National Park.

Every Gorilla family undergoes gorilla habituation before it officially launched for Gorilla trekking. Today, Uganda protects 19 habituated Gorilla families in Bwindi impenetrable national park. Each habituated Gorilla family is trekked by a maximum of 8 people and therefore 8×19 = 152 Gorilla permits per day.

Visitors can also decide to participate in Gorilla Habituation at the cost of US$1,500. During Gorilla Habituation, visitors spend a full day in the forest with the Gorilla habituation team from Uganda Wildlife Authority.

Gorilla habituation starts with a briefing which is conducted by game rangers at the park headquarters. Thereafter, trekkers move to encounter Mountain Gorillas in their natural habitat. A maximum of 4 people are allowed for 4 hours during habituation.

Differences between Gorilla habituation and Gorilla trekking

Gorilla habituation rewards trekkers 4hrs view of Mountain Gorillas whereas Gorilla trekking 1hr.

Gorilla trekking is cheaper than Gorilla habituation. Each gorilla permit costs US$700 for foreign none residents while a gorilla habituation permit cost US$1500 per person.

Gorilla trekking allows 8 people to trek a gorilla family while habituation 4 people.

Gorilla habituation offers a more comprehensive exploration of a gorilla family than a normal trek which is brief.